Rachel Mullins, LCSW

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Emotional Intelligence


Holistic Mental Health

5 Things to Ditch When You’re Feeling Depressed

5 Things to Ditch When You’re Feeling Depressed

When you are in a depressive state, it can be a challenge to get out of, even when you’re tired of feeling bad all the time. Cutting some things out instead of adding more to your to-do list can be one strategy to combat depression and start to feel better, so that you actually have the energy to take care of yourself. Here are some things that you can safely ditch when you’re feeling depressed so that you have more time and energy to focus on yourself and get to feeling better:

Trauma Recovery

The Psycho-Somatic Trauma Response: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection to Trauma

The Psycho-Somatic Trauma Response: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection to Trauma

When a person experienced a trauma, such as life-threatening events, abusive relationships, sexual assault, or witnessing violence, they often experience physical responses and ailments that may last years after the traumatic experience is over. These kinds of responses in the body are known as psycho-somatic symptoms, and they are part of the mind-body connection to trauma.

What to Expect from Trauma Recovery Therapy

What to Expect from Trauma Recovery Therapy

There are several things to keep in mind when you are considering counseling for trauma recovery. Having the right expectations can help you get the most out of your counseling experience and hopefully make it a healing and therapeutic process.

4 Ways That Trauma Affects Memory

4 Ways That Trauma Affects Memory

Trauma can affect your memory in significant ways that impact trauma recovery. There are 4 different kinds of memory, each associated with different parts of your brain, and each affected slightly differently after trauma.

About the Author


Rachel Mullins, LCSW