The Blog


5 Things to Ditch When You’re Feeling Depressed

When you are in a depressive state, it can be a challenge to get out of, even when you’re tired of feeling bad all the time. Cutting some things out instead of adding more to your to-do list can be one strategy to combat depression and start to feel better, so that you actually have the energy to take care of yourself. Here are some things that you can safely ditch when you’re feeling depressed so that you have more time and energy to focus on yourself and get to feeling better:

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What to Expect from Trauma Recovery Therapy

There are several things to keep in mind when you are considering counseling for trauma recovery. Having the right expectations can help you get the most out of your counseling experience and hopefully make it a healing and therapeutic process.

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4 Ways That Trauma Affects Memory

Trauma can affect your memory in significant ways that impact trauma recovery. There are 4 different kinds of memory, each associated with different parts of your brain, and each affected slightly differently after trauma.

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How Trauma Affects Your Brain

Traumatic experiences can overwhelm the brain’s ability to cope using normal methods of stress relief, and thus alternative coping methods have to be developed, which can cause disruption in the lives of people trying to recover from trauma.When you have experienced trauma, your brain goes into a state of hyper-arousal, basically because your fight or flight response has been triggered and your brain reacts by trying to prepare you for potential danger. 

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EI Series: 4 Steps for Anger Management

Anger management can be a problem for some people, but there are definitely some skills that you can work on to help with this problem if you are one of those people. You want to be in control of your anger, not have your anger control you.The goal of anger management is not to never feel angry.  The goal is to be able to express anger appropriately and without aggression towards other people.

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Relationship Series: Couples’ Communication

For couples, communication problems are often at the heart of so many problems that couples face. When you learn to communicate well, then you can resolve conflicts in a healthy and productive way that nurtures and supports your relationship rather than in a way that tears down your bonds and causes pain and distress.

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The Mental Health Benefits of Holidays

We hear a lot these days about how holidays can be stressful and some people struggle with their mental health this time of year.However, holidays can also be a time to reflect on some other themes that can be truly beneficial to your mental health.

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The #1 Way to Manage a Panic Attack

Those who have experienced panic attacks know that they can be very upsetting and when they happen you need to take action or symptoms may worsen.  The strategy I’m outlining here uses 3 coping methods in combination to combat an acute panic attack when you feel one coming on. 

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How to use Yoga for Depression

Many who have suffered from depression know that your body often responds to depression with symptoms such as fatigue, aches and pains, muscle tension, and sleeping difficulties.  Yoga is an adjunct therapy that can be used to both promote and help sustain healing in these areas.

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ASMR: Are You a Tinglehead?

ASMR is a phenomenon known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and most people experience it as a tingling sensation that occurs in the area of the base of the neck and covers the head and sometimes the shoulders or spine.  The tingly feeling usually produces a feeling of relaxation or pleasant warmth, and it is usually stimulated by some kind of auditory or visual trigger.  It has also been referred to as having a “head orgasm”, “brain massage”, or “spine tingle”.

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When is the Right Time for Hospice Care?

There are some important considerations to think about if you have a family member or loved one that may benefit from hospice services.  Overall you want to make sure that you know what hospice care is all about, who qualifies for hospice services, and when the right time is to ask about hospice services.

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How to Take a Compliment

When someone gives you a compliment, you have a choice about how to receive it.  I will say up front that this is a problem that I have personally struggled with at times in my life, but have worked to change over time.  Most of us intend to be gracious and...

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“Work It Out” Is Here!

I am pleased and proud to announce the launch of my new book “Work It Out: A Survival Guide To The Modern Relationship”, out now and available on Amazon.  This has been a project that I have been working on for some time now, and it is based on my work with couples in...

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Suicide Rising

In June, news broke of the suicides of both luxury handbag designer Kate Spade and international food celebrity Anthony Bourdain.  Whenever high-profile celebrities complete suicide, we are reminded that depression and mental health conditions touch every class of...

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This is Not a Drill

When I was in about 3rd or 4th grade, my classmates and I had all the standard safety drills in elementary school.  Fire drills, tornado drills, and the like.  There was one drill though, that I remember doing only once, which was the active shooter drill.  I don’t...

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Are you Parenting your Partner?

The Parent/Adolescent Dynamic happens when one partner has taken on the role of the Parent, or Director, in the relationship, and the other partner is stuck in the role of the Child, or Adolescent.  In these relationships, one person is basically in charge of knowing what needs to be done, and they end up having to ask, direct, or otherwise nag their partner to complete responsibilities that need to be handled.  This is an unhealthy relationship pattern for many reasons.

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Women at Werk Empowerment Conference

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the first annual Women at Werk Empowerment Conference.  This was an event that combined presentations from successful working professionals with vendors, information booths, and give-aways by women-owned and operated...

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