How to Create a Sleep Hygiene Routine

How to Create a Sleep Hygiene Routine

Sleep can be somewhat of an elusive goal for many of us.  There are many factors that contribute to the, frankly, abysmal state of rest in our current society.  Lack of quality sleep contributes to a multitude of negative outcomes for individuals, employers, and cultures, yet many factors about our modern society also contribute to unhealthy sleep habits.

For many of us, lack of good quality sleep contributes to an overall lack of a good quality of life. While there may be some things that are out of your control, like your work schedule or your children’s schedules, most of us can make a few small changes to work towards getting a better night’s sleep and a more restful morning.

I will be the first to say that creating a healthy sleep routine is hard. There are many factors that work against me when I’m trying to get a good night’s sleep.  I don’t like to hop in the bed and go right to sleep.  I have difficulty getting to sleep in perfect silence. I, too, sometimes want to veg out in front of a screen. My mind sometimes races with thoughts of all the crazy stuff happening in the world today. I like my glass of wine in the evenings. I’m tired but I can’t get comfortable. I’m naturally a night person but still have to get up early in the mornings. And on, and on, and on.  I get it.

I also know that I feel so much better mentally and physically when I am well-rested. I manage my stress better, I make better food choices, I have more energy for exercise, my mood is better, and I’m more efficient with the tasks I need to accomplish.  But don’t just take my word for it that sleep makes you a more healthy and happy individual.

Sleep is a biological need. We need sleep to pay attention, think clearly, perform physical activities accurately, and many other things.  Evidence has been building for decades that sleep disruption contributes to weight gain, obesity and associated disorders, and hypertension.

Research also indicate that up to 40 percent of the adult US population sleeps less than 7 hours on weekdays, which has been shown to result in lower levels of alertness and attention.  Chronic sleep deprivation may also contribute to excessive use of stimulants like caffeine.

Sleep deprivation is also linked to increased feelings of irritability, anger, hostility, and depression.  The good news, though, is that getting quality sleep is also associated with positive effects on mood.

Many people know that they feel better when they get good sleep, but knowing exactly how to exchange poor habits for better ones can be daunting. Here’s a few tips for starting to make some changes that will improve your quality of sleep, even if you can’t always increase the number of hours you actually sleep.

  1. Assess your habits:
    • Do you have a (relatively) regular bed time?
      • You don’t have to adhere strictly to a regular bed time every single night, but have a general idea of what time you should be winding down in order to get adequate shut-eye for your specific schedule. If you have more flexibility on the weekends, it’s fine to stay up later and sleep in the next morning, just know how your body reacts to those changes and pay attention to what works for you
    • Do you usually fall asleep with some kind of technology (tablet, TV, phone)?
      • The evidence shows that blue light in particular, which is the light that comes from your tech, disrupts your sleep and contributes to sleep deprivation. If this is something you’ve made a habit of, it’s going to have to change if you want better sleep. Don’t worry, I’ll give you some strategies for shifting this habit.
    • Do you budget enough hours a night for your sleep needs?
      • Understandably, you may not always have control of your sleeping and waking hours due to work schedules or other obligations. While we’re all busy these days, you know if there’s some room for adjustment here or not.  Yes, you should aim for 8 hours a night most nights, but if 6 or even 5 is what you’ve got, it’s even more important to make sure those hours are quality sleep hours. If you can adjust your schedule to budget a little more time for rest, then try to commit to making that change.  Your mind and body will thank you in the long run.
    • Do you drink too much alcohol in the evenings?
      • Alcohol might help you relax a little in the evenings, but too much can disrupt your sleep. You may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night after the alcohol has metabolized in your system, which is a good indicator that you were actually passed out, not getting good quality sleep. You may also find yourself feeling hungover in the mornings, which is never fun.
  2. Define your problem areas:
    • Do you have difficulty getting to sleep?
      • Are you staying up late watching shows or using tech? Or are you struggling with negative thoughts at this time, re-living past traumas or overthinking mistakes you may have made? If this is what is happening, it’s so important to start practicing some mindfulness techniques during this time to calm your mind and prepare your brain for a restful sleep.
    • Staying asleep?
      • Are you waking up during the night? Is this because of nightmares, or physical discomfort? Can you identify potential sources of mental distress? If there are specific fears or stressors you can identify, journaling before bedtime can help you process and let go of these thoughts before bedtime. If you have recurrent nightmares because of past trauma or emotional factors, please consider going to see a professional counselor or psychiatrist. Processing through your feelings and distress with a therapist may help you release the fears that may be the source of the nightmares.
    • Quieting your mind?
      • Is your mind racing at night? Are you thinking about every little thing you need to do tomorrow? This is another area where mindfulness practices can help. Try making a list of what you need to do so you can know that you won’t forget anything. Or practice quieting your mind by using meditation apps that you can download and play from your phone
    • Becoming tired?
      • If you just naturally are a night person due to your personal circadian rhythm, plan to do something that will exhaust you or make you sleepy. For some people, exercise in the evenings helps them relax, for others it is too stimulating so listen to your body to determine whether this will work for you.  Alternatively, pick out some reading material that will get your eyelids heavy.
  3. Find your strategies:
    • Personal Hygiene
      • Some people are nighttime shower people, other people are morning shower people. Whichever you are, you can still benefit from a little hygiene routine to set you up for a good night’s sleep. Let’s be honest: a nice warm bath with Epsom salt and essential oils is the gold standard.  Epsom salt helps you absorb magnesium through your skin, and magnesium helps you sleep at night.  But we don’t all have time or ability to take a luxurious bath every night, so we can do some adjusting to compensate.  If you are a nighttime shower person, try using aromatherapy in your shower by dropping a few drops of essential oils on your shower floor before you get in. Good oils for night showers are lavender and eucalyptus. If you’re not a nighttime shower person, you can still benefit from using lotions with essential oils, and taking time to wash your face and take care of your skin. All the attention to your body will help your mind feel better when you climb into bed.
    • Relaxation tools
      • Try a little self-massage. You can get a little hand massager and give yourself a neck rub, or just use a hand-towel that you’ve gotten damp, and then pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds or until it is warm but not super-hot. Be smart here and check the temp before you use the towel on your neck so you don’t scald yourself, but just a little warmth around the back of your neck can help you get into sleep-mode by relaxing those muscles a little. Also, those head massager tools that look like spiders give a really sweet head massage and makes your head feel warm and tingly.
    • Meditation Apps
      • There are plenty of different kinds of meditation apps out there. Just check out your app store on your phone and search for “meditation apps” and you will find lots of options. Some are free and others cost just a few dollars. There are apps that can specifically guide you to fall asleep, and others that just guide you through mindfulness exercises to quiet your mind.
    • Journaling
      • Journaling is a great strategy to use if you have trouble with thoughts running through your mind at night or are working through trauma or other emotional stressors. Getting your thoughts out on paper allows you to process and move past difficult emotions, and can provide a sense of relief through releasing difficult thoughts and feelings.  You can keep a journal by your bedside, and when you find your mind or thoughts racing, grab it and start writing until you get it all out.
    • Essential oils/Aromatherapy
      • Aromatherapy is great for preparing for bed. You can use a diffuser to scent your bedroom, starting 30 minutes or so before you get in bed, so that your bedroom smells relaxing and fresh.   Good oils for relaxation include lavender, chamomile, and peppermint. There are lots of recipes for diffuser blends on Pinterest and common oils are available in some grocery stores and even Target in the cosmetics section.
    • Reading Guidelines
      • In general, bedtime reading is something you want to aim to do from a physical book or magazine, rather than on an E-reader like a Nook or Kindle. This is only because of the blue light that emanates from our screens, which can stimulate our brains to think it’s daytime. Again, listen to your body.  If your Nook doesn’t keep you up, and reading from it helps get you sleepy, go ahead and use it.  But if you find it to be too stimulating, try reading from a good old-fashioned book with a lamp. Also, be mindful of content. If murder mysteries don’t bother you but help you get sleepy, go right ahead.  But if you think they might be contributing to those nightmares you’re waking up with, maybe find something less prone to keeping you up.
  4. Make new habits:
    • Decide what strategies you need to use based on your specific barriers to a good night’s rest and then set yourself up for success. Maybe you need to pick up a new journal or some aromatherapy supplies, or check out your app store to find some guided meditation apps.
    • Remember that it take 30 days to really build a new habit, so give yourself a chance by committing to try these new strategies for at least 30 days and see if your sleep improves.
    • Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day, or if changes don’t happen immediately. Your brain needs time to adjust to new habits and get the full benefit of your efforts.  Just keep trying, and listening to your body to find what works for you.

Sleep is essential to good mental health.  In fact, for many of my clients, poor sleep is one of the most palpable and immediate ways in which their mental health manifests in their bodies.  Stress and anxiety, overwhelming expectations at work, depression and trauma; all of these concerns can affect our quality of sleep and leave us feeling burnt out and exhausted.  Sometimes, we avoid dealing with these other mental health concerns until our bodies just shut down and say “Enough! You are going to pay attention to me or you will be sick!”  Our bodies frequently give us messages, but we need to pay attention to hear what our bodies are demanding of us.  Sleep is an integral part of taking care of your mental health.  Use these tips to create a strategy that works for you so that your sleep is restorative enough to help you feel your best, physically and mentally.

Mindfulness: Whack or Worth It?

Mindfulness: Whack or Worth It?

Mindfulness has become sort of a catchall term for general self-help advice that focuses on using different practices to attune better to your mind and actions with the hopes of decreasing stress or associated symptoms.  Take time to meditate in the morning.  Pay attention to your food when you’re eating. Do a gratitude practice every night.  Self-care your stress away.  It all sounds good in theory, and certainly won’t do you any harm, but what does the term mindfulness really encompass, and is it really something that could change your life? Or it is just another fad and buzzword in the self-improvement culture of today?

As a therapist, I frequently encourage different types of mindfulness practices to encourage my clients to be intentional about their own lives.  Attuning to our bodies and our minds and our habits is an important part of both gaining control over our lives as well as our mentality.  I often work with people who have had something terrible, or heartbreaking, or unexpected happen to them, and they are struggling for a sense of control.  In those times I am often reminded that sometimes the only thing you have control over is your mentality.  Sometimes I get pushback from people who don’t necessarily believe that their mentality is within their own power.  Their thoughts are stuck in places that leave them thinking:

  • How can I help the way I feel?
  • What I believe is what I believe, there’s no changing it.
  • How can changing my mentality change my circumstances?
  • Thinking about my mentality doesn’t change the problems I’m facing.

I can understand why it might sound like a load of new age fluff when people start talking about mindfulness.  We have become accustomed to solutions that start and end with well-defined explanations and prescriptions.  We like to be able to have a blood test tell us exactly what’s wrong and what treatment is needed to fix the issue.  Unfortunately, our minds can be even more mysterious than our bodies are, at least in this day and age.  The good news is that our minds are also a lot more powerful than we might believe, and that means that we can use our mentality to improve our overall sense of wellbeing.

I wanted to find out what we really know about mindfulness, and what the evidence says about whether or not it works. Researchers have been studying mindfulness based practices for over 30 years now, and studies have investigated mindfulness as a treatment for conditions such as addiction, trauma recovery, stress, chronic pain, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and more.  There was no shortage of research to comb through devoted to mindfulness and it’s various applications, but the results were pretty consistent.  Of course, with large bodies of research on a topic as broad as mindfulness, there are going to be variations in the results that studies present.  I found the results optimistic, though.  There is consistent evidence that when people are introduced to mindfulness based practices as a way to improve symptoms related to various stressors, they report good outcomes when they apply that knowledge.

Because mindfulness practices can be broad in terms of the actual strategies they refer to, here’s a few ideas about what people are referring to when they use that term:

  • Deep-breathing practices
  • Meditation (guided or self)
  • Attuning to senses
  • Intentional gratitude practices
  • Night-time de-stressing rituals
  • Conscious attention to mentality
  • Intentional eating practices

Much of the research out there on mindfulness focuses on using one or more of these practices in a specific setting with a specific group of people.  So the ways in which this area has been studied lends itself to a lot of different outcomes for a lot of different kinds of people with different kinds of problems.  Nevertheless, I found a lot of examples of some really great ways that mindfulness practices are having a positive impact on people.

A study on mindfulness and addiction published this year found that mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) had a significant effect on cravings and substance misuse in treatment for addictions.  This is a great example of how mindfulness practices can function as an auxiliary treatment for people.  The goal of a mindfulness practices is not necessarily to serve as a replacement for other therapies, but it can be a good asset to use in addition to other treatment, and can function as a sort of enhancer.  It may just give people an extra boost when they are seeking help for addictions or other mental health conditions.

Another encouraging example includes this study from PLOS One, which found that over a 6 year period in which medical and psychology students were introduced to mindfulness practices, the students reported significant increases in measures of their wellbeing.  This is especially important given the high rates of mental distress, burnout, and suicide amongst medical professionals.  As a person in a caregiving profession myself, I know how important it is to maintain a healthy mentality and how overwhelming the stress can get.  It’s good to know more evidence is showing how important it is for caregivers to be given the resources and support to incorporate these practices themselves.

Another study from the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health found more evidence that introducing mindfulness in the workplace decreased burnout and reduced stress.  This research supports my personal belief that employers should do more to help mitigate stress in the workplace and support the health of their employees by taking it upon themselves to bring stress reduction into the workplace environment.  Not only do I believe this will improve employee health and help workers be happier in their work environments, I think it will make workplaces more efficient as well.

There is a lot more research out there on the topic, which I will be working on delving into more this month.  However, these studies are a few examples of the research support out there for bringing mindfulness practices into our lives.  Our lives have gotten so much more harried and complicated, and sometimes our choices seem out of our control.  That’s why mindfulness is helpful in bringing a sense of focus and calm to your mentality, so that you feel more capable of handling whatever life happens to be throwing at you at the moment.

Mindfulness alone cannot solve every problem that you may have, but becoming more intentional about taking care of your mind and staying tuned in to how your mentality impacts your overall mood could help you stick to your goals and keep negativity at bay.